Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 2009

Don't Forget!

Club and Societies Day
Join us on 30th September in the Main Sports Hall. Free stuff and friendly people. €2 to join, which covers your insurance for the year, so break all the legs you want!

Our 'Annual General Mayhem' Party. Even MORE free stuff (including intoxicating liquor goodness). Meet the committee and all of our members, new and old, and learn about our plans for the year. Classhall F, 7.30pm, Thursday October 1st.

Stage Combat Workshop
Tuesday 22nd, Auxilia 1, 7pm. Learn to look like you're fighting when really you're NOT! It's all very dramatic.

FAME Auditions
Our first auditions of the year are being held this week, for FAME, the musical. 7.30pm Each night, Monday and Tuesday are singing rehearsals, Wednesday is dancing. Be there or...don't be in with a chance.

Monday 28th Sept. - Classhall F, Arts Block
Tuesday 29th Sept. - Aula Maxima
Wednesday 30th Sept. - Aula Maxima

As you can tell, it's a busy week for your local neighbourhood Drama Society, but if you have any questions, you can direct them, as usual, to

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